‚Magnum Contact Sheets‘

Sep 12, 2015


Magnum Contact Sheets is Foam museum new exhibition. As suggested by its title, the show covers and exhibits the contact sheets and final photography of some of the most narration-marking picture in the history of journalism. They all come from the archive of the Magnum photo agency.

Created in 1947 by several head photographers such as Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, William Vandivert and David Seymour, the Magnum photo aimed at breaking that restricting and dependent link in between journalism and photography. The photographers from then on kept a right on their art and control its use and abuse. Magnum Contact Sheet is covering the material of the agency from its debuts until the 2010s. Every history marking picture – Che Guevara smoking his cigar, Martin Luther King looking back in his car – is displayed next to their original contact sheet and photographer’s note. As such, they are re-contextualized, appearing in between the before and after pictures of the one chosen to represent a key event.

The exhibition is a tribute to photo-journalism itself as well as to the iconic photographers and photographs on show that capture the most upsetting moments in history.

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Elliott Erwitt, Che Guevara, Cuba, 1964, Contact Sheet.

Elliott Erwitt, Che Guevara, Cuba, 1964

Magnum Photos


September 11 – December 09, 2015

Keizersgracht 609
The Netherlands
