The Other Americans

Mrz 31, 2013


Peter and Irene Ludwig started collecting American art during the 1960s in New York. In their visionary ambition to establish an art collection that maps the global landscape of art, there has always been space for positions beyond big names that defy the usual classifications. The exhibition, The Other Americans. Discoveries of the 1970s and 80s, shows rarely exhibited pieces as well as unusual works by famous artists of the collection, and thus opens up new perspectives on American art and society. The show includes works from Alan Cote, Crash, Ero, Joyce Kozloff, Robert Kushner, Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, Kim MacConnel, Lowell Nesbitt, Judy Pfaff, Lady Pink, Robert Rauschenberg, Miriam Schapiro, and Kendall Shaw.

Ludwig Forum

since March 17, 2013
Jülicher Straße 97-109
52070 Aachen
