Visualizing Sound

Mrz 29, 2012


The exhibition Visualizing Sound partakes examines the synthesis between image and sound, the various graphic and physical representations of sound, and its evolution in contemporary art. It draws an itinerary through seminal practitioners and artworks from the last decade while also paying attention to experiments in “visual music” carried out by artists from the beginning of the last century such as Oskar Fischinger or James Whitney.

Sound should not be detached from the surrounding that informs it: space, vibration, wave, technique for representation, perception and even visualization. em>Visualizing Sound partakeswas conceived with the idea of generating a dialogue between all its constituent parts, covering a whole century of creation around the same notion or concept: the mastering, representation and taming of the wave, the need to go beyond the limits that our senses can take us to, which, at the end of the day, is the essence of all art.

LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial

March 30th – June 15th, 2012
Los Prados, 121
33394 Gijón
