Would You Like A Bag With That?

Jun 23, 2013


Since around the 1960s, plastic bags have been part and parcel of our everyday life as consumers. Omnipresent and international, used once and discarded to linger in the environment forever, it is the ultimate symbol of our globalised society. As such, plastic bags have come to represent a high-stakes threat to the world environment, with a utility span measured in minutes and an estimated lifespan of over 400 years. Billions of plastic bags are produced around the world every year, accu­mulating in the environment and menacing the flora and faunas.

The exhibition Would You Like A Bag With That? considers the subject of plastic bags from several angles, through works by artists and various installations. It also traces the history of the graphics marking certain legendary bags recognizable to several generations. When artists resort to this medium for a particular installation, it is generally for purposes of condemning our consumer society.

Participating artists include: Baptiste Debombourg, David Marin, Poklong Anading, Marie-Claire Baldenweg, Andreas Blank, Rada Boukova, Iris van Bebber & Uwe Bulles, Brigitte Corell, Lauren DiCioccio, Ryan Frank, Lukas Julius Kerstens, Simon Monk, Sheila Odessey, Anne-Cécile Rappa, Jeremy Scott, Ruben Verdu, Nils Völker, Iskender Yediler, Biaugust CREATION OFFICE, Claudia Borgna, Lukas Julius Keijser, Hendrik Kerstens, MyeongBeon Kim, Camila Labra Fontana, Hanna Liden, Torsten Mühlbach, Dodi Reifenberg, Léa Ricorday, Gregor Schneider, Maude Schneider, Verena Sieber-Fuchs, Roald Sivertsen, Lisa Tiemann and Luzia Vogt, Ida-Marie Corell.

mudac – musée de design et d’arts appliqués contemporains

June 19 – October 6, 2013
Place de la Cathédrale 6
1005 Lausanne
