Antony Gormley

Jun 11, 2012


Horizon Field Hamburg is the title of the new, spectacular installation by British artist Antony Gormley that he developed especially for the large Deichtorhalle.

Horizon Field Hamburg provokes an experience of re-orientation and re-connection with walking, feeling, hearing and seeing. Like a horizontal painting stretched taut in space, the visitor is positioned as a figure in a free, floating, undefined ground.

For almost 40 years now, Antony Gormley has been creating sculptures in which he explores the relationship between the human body and space. This is explicitly addressed in his large-format works such as ‚Another Place‘, ‚Domain Field‘ and ‚Inside Australia‘, and implicitly in works such as ‚Clearing‘, ‚Breathing Room‘ and ‚Blind Light‘ where the work becomes a frame through which the viewer becomes the viewed. By using his own existence as a test ground, Gormley’s work transforms a site of subjective experience into one of collective projection. Increasingly, the artist has taken his practice beyond the gallery, engaging the public in active participation, as in ‚Clay and the Collective Body‘ (Helsinki) and the celebrated ‚One & Other‘ in London’s Trafalgar Square.


April 27th – September 9th, 2012
Deichtorstraße 1-2
20095 Hamburg
