Cai Guo-Qiang

Apr 7, 2012

Los Angeles

Cai Guo-Qiang: Sky Ladder explores Cai’s lifelong fascination with the unseen forces in the physical and metaphysical worlds. His view of the universe is one Cai came to on his own, through popular books, folk traditions, his curiosity about cosmological phenomena, and realizations about life.

For Cai, time and space are one entity because the word for “universe” in Chinese, yuzhou, consists of space (yu) and time (zhou). His explosion events and installations aptly incorporate both temporal and spatial dynamics, and the creative process is also part of the finished work. The spontaneity and unpredictability evident in his site-specific, community-based works reflect the principles of feng shui and Chinese medicine adapted in his artistic methodology, which allow nature to take its course and the artist to make the most of a given situation.

Cai Guo-Qiang: Sky Ladder is the first West Coast solo museum exhibition of the work of artist Cai Guo-Qiang. Known for his explosion projects and gunpowder drawings. Cai’s work integrates manual technique and new, highly sophisticated developments in pyrotechnic technology.

The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA

April 8th – July 30th, 2012
152 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012
