Do Ho Suh

Jun 12, 2012

San Diego

Fallen Star reflects Suh’s on-going exploration of themes around the idea of home, cultural displacement, the perception of our surroundings, and how one constructs a memory of a space. His own feelings of displacement when he arrived in the U.S. from Seoul, Korea in 1991 to study led him to measure spaces in order to establish relationships with his new surroundings. He had to physically and mentally readjust.

Suh’s small “home” has perhaps been picked up by some mysterious force and appears to have landed or crashed onto the seventh floor of Jacobs Hall at the Jacobs School of Engineering. The roof garden is part of his design and the whole creates a space with panoramic views for small groups to gather and readjust.

Stuart Collection

Since June 7th. The Stuart Collection opens Fallen Star a few hours a week, as well as by appointment. Call: 001 858-534-2117.
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0010
