Pablo Picasso
‚¡ Picasso !‘

Okt 24, 2015


The 25th October 1881 is to be celebrated at the Musee National Picasso-Paris. The birth date of the most iconic artist of the 20th century is the occasion of a considerable retrospective that coincides with the 30 anniversary of the museum itself.

Extended on the five floors of the Hotel Salle, the ¡Picasso! exhibition emphasizes the gigantic testimony the artist left behind him. Dozens of paintings, sculptures, graphic works, photographs are here to honor the man who lived by the motto ‚The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.‘ The exhibition is devided into three sections, each of equal importance, that apprehend the artist in his complex deepness. The first one is dedicated to the major and most famous works of the Spanish artist, the second one concentrates on Picasso as a public figure when the third one develops the intimate yet multiple selves of the artist.

The exhibition displays the master’s works along with some of his fellow artists and friends in order to honor at its best the 134 years of an artist who is still alive on the artistic scene.

Capture d’écran 2015-10-24 à 10.11.16
Pablo Picasso, Le peintre, 6 mai 1915, Crayon graphite, crayons de couleurs et crayons cire sur papier Ingres beige, page de carnet, 21 x 27 cm

Pablo Picasso’s signature in 1954 for the Gémeaux series

Musee National Picasso-Paris

From the 20th of October on

5 Rue de Thorigny
75003 Paris
