Laura Ball

Dez 15, 2012


A tenet of Laura Ballʼs artistic practice has been exploring aspects of the inner mind and the subconscious. While creative efforts to this end frequently result in visceral expressionism, Lauraʼs current methodology is to sublimate the expanse of the unknown — to contain the expanse of the universe of the mind — into delicately rendered natural creatures, which she piles and twists into creatures of the mind.

This series of works prompts personal, thoughtful investigation of themes of the subconscious, both positive and negative. Working in watercolor, the gorgeous detail Ball achieves in her renderings, coupled with vivid blooms of color wash attest to her mastery of a traditional, and at times overlooked, medium. As Laura explores concepts of the internal, her pictures tell a dynamic visual story, and her compositions invite looking again and again.

With the exhibition Minotaur, David B. Smith Gallery currently shows Ball’s newest works.

Laura Ball

David B. Smith Gallery

December 14th, 2012 – January 19th, 2013
1543 A Wazee Street
Denver, CO 80202
