Udo Lindenberg

Mrz 26, 2012


The exhibition UDO. Die Ausstellung showcases the life and work of German rock musician, composer and artist Udo Lindenberg. Spanning over forty years, his career is shown by examples of more than 400 exhibits that contain of paintings, liqueurelle, songs, interview snippets, texts and photographs.

As his somewhat hoarse voice is the result of too much liquor and cigarettes, it is exactly this way of living that he also expresses in his art works. The colors are a conglomerate of liqueur and color pigments.
In 1989 he survived a heart attack. In 2010 he designed two stamps, themed on his songs „Andrea Doria“ and „Sonderzug nach Pankow“, for the Deutsche Post.

Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg

December 21st – April 9th, 2012
20099 Hamburg
