
Jul 23, 2012

If Cédric had the option of choosing another profession, he would be an archaeologist. But for now, he is an artist, who goes by the name Honet. In his art, he reconciles two of his talents – creativity and curiosity. Starting out as a graffiti writer, he is an illustrator today, who is intrigued by remnants of former generations. His interest in artifacts, architecture, biofacts and cultural landscapes leads him down tunnels, up on roofs, and every level in between. He records all his experiences figuratively, through illustrations that are not just important within the art world, but as a legacy as well. His works are akin to textbooks that tell of forgotten, uncared for, or underestimated spaces.

We meet Honet in his hometown of Paris. He once said, the city’s Notre Dame cathedral was one of his favorite places to scale, but we decide to stay on the ground though, strolling along the Seine and discussing acrophobia, claustrophobia and Far Eastern masks.

Read the full interview in the printed issue of Wertical.

Release: 2014.

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