Ko Sin Tung
‚Underground construction: failed‘

Okt 7, 2015

Hong Kong

‘Underground construction: failed’
is Ko Sin Tung first solo exhibition. Displayed within the Edouard Malingue gallery, the show is evocative of Tung’s preeminent themes such as the reverberation of light, the relationship of humans to their environment and the domestication of urban settings.

Blurred close-up shots, sea sunsets and emblematic human additions constitute the core of ‘Underground construction: failed’. The show itself is set as a construction site giving an insight to the viewer of the artist’s search fields in an objective point of view. Screens, videos, pictures, paintings – all media is used to signify Tung’s main body of work: the one of the visual experience of the human psyche. Each work conjures a usual and everyday life setting that, in a way or another, muddles up the viewer’s expectation and sets perspectives. Hence, Tung uses light and its impromptu effects to mislead the ordinary vision and depict the non visible in a destructed manner conveyed by the ‘failed’ resound of the show title.

Express, 2015, Acrylic, washi tape on archival inkjet print, 93 x 79 cm

The Sun Is Not Here (6), 2015, Archival Inkjet Print, 128 x 95 cm

Ko Sin Tung

Edouard Malingue

October 08 – November 26, 2015

Sixth Floor, 33 Des Voeux
Road Central, Hong Kong
