Mark Flood
‚Astroturf Yelp Review Says Yes‘

Mai 22, 2015


Peres Projects is currently showing ‘Astroturf Yelp Review Says Yes’ – its sixth exhibition with Mark Flood. It presents a new series of aged paintings – acrylic paintings in various stages of decay that convey new messages and meanings.

Mark Flood likes to play with logo, brands and companies. These emblems are assembled in mixed medium works combining collage and painting. Communication is the central point of ‘Astroturf Yelp Review Says Yes’. Flood makes his works ‚talk‘ through text passages or imageries. Banca IMI, Bloomberg, Deutsche Bank, Scotiabank among others are therefore the characters of the ‘The Sponsors’, an acrylic painting that mixes these companies with humor and irony. And with slogan such as ‘Shrek Your Privilege, ‘Drink Your Self to Death’ or ‘Find your soul mat’ the American artist makes his point on what is going north in todays society.



Peres Projects

May 1 – June 13, 2015

Karl-Marx-Allee 82
10243 Berlin
