‚Picasso in Contemporary Art‘

Apr 28, 2015


The Deichtorhallen International Kunst und Fotografie in Hamburg is currently presenting an exhibition on Picasso, without exhibiting any Picassos. Indeed, the entitled Picasso in Contemporary Art show is evoking the strong impact the modern master left on the 20th and 21st century without showing one single of his artworks. By doing so, Dirk Luckow, curator of the exhibition, aims at celebrating how receptive the huge artistic production of Picasso has been.

Ranging from cubism to sketches, collages, forms and curves, Hispanic references, gender studies or simple color assembling, Picasso is a leader. And as such, he has been copied, reproduced and has inspired. Here is what “Picasso in Contemporary art” is all about. Approximately 200 art pieces, from 90 internationally known artists and coming from museums such as London’s Tate Modern and Paris’ Centre Pompidou are on show. The works of Roy Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns, Brassaï, Cindy Sherman to name few have all been reunited to demonstrate the long lasting stay of Picasso through his relief. They all evoke the modern master. With no less than six Guernica-inspired paintings, the bound to happen exhibition is a tribute to Pablo Picasso.

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Pablo Picasso

Deichtorhallen International Kunst und Fotografie

April 1 – July 12, 2015

Deichtorstraße 1-2
20095 Hamburg
