Richard Colman

Mai 15, 2013

San Francisco

Guerrero Gallery currently features a collection of new works by Richard Colman in their Project Room. Through drawings and paintings, Colman uses his own characters to create complex compositions which seem to focus on the tension between nature and civilization.

The human and animal characters Colman uses may be nude or dressed, and interact specifically with each other, images of nature, and objects of civilization. These characters and objects connect with patterns, structures, and color spectrums, often creating compositions which appear continuous and ever-changing. Drawing on the unpredictability of patterns in nature, hierarchies, and totems, Colman illustrates what might be a reminder that nature is chaos and our ancestry is animal.

Richard Colman

Guerrero Gallery

May 11 – June 15, 2013
2700 19th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
