Geoff McFetridge

Nov 11, 2012


Canadian artist, Geoff McFetridge, currently holds his first solo exhibition in his home country. McFetridge is best known for his use of simple shapes to create universally recognized public signage, corporate logos and contemporary iconography. He evokes an interesting play between two and three dimensional space with simple yet intriguing lines fitting into his simplistic and playful style.

McFetridge states: „I have always used drawing as the foundation of my process, a process that is very narrow and structured. I have found that the practice of refining form is mantra-like. The narrowing of thoughts and form is a business like version of meditation. These paintings are the product of that process. In these paintings I attempt to pry apart the the conscious and the unconscious, the world as it is and the familiar. The work attempts to separate floating from what floating looks like… in an image…“

Geoff McFetridge

Cooper Cole

November 9th – December 8th, 2012
1161 Dundas Street West
Toronto, ON M6J 1X3
